GetProcessList – System Function

GetProcessList Function


The GetProcessList function returns the list of active processes and their attributes. Not available in WinTask Lite.


GetProcessList(<tab_name$>, <tab_PID>, <tab_CPU>, <tab_Mem>, <sort>)
Ret = GetProcessList(<tab_name$>, <tab_PID>, <tab_CPU>, <tab_Mem>, <sort>)


  • <tab_name$>: alphanumeric array, list of the active processes and attributes (the list displayed by the Process Tab of Task manager).
  • <tab_PID>: integer array, list of the PIDs for each process.
  • <tab_CPU>: integer array; contains the cumulative CPU used (in seconds) by each individual active process.
  • <tab_Mem>: integer array; contains the memory (in Kbytes) used by each individual process.
  • <sort>: integer which indicates how the result array should be sorted:
    • 0: result array not sorted
    • 1: result array sorted by process name
    • 2: result array sorted by PID
    • 3: result array sorted by CPU usage (from the highest to the lowest)
    • 4: result array sorted by memory usage (from the highest to the lowest)

Return Value

Ret, integer, return code which gives the number of processes found. If any of the arrays is too small, ret contains -1, but the arrays will still contain the first n processes found (if #IgnoreErrors=1). If Ret=-1 and if #IgnoreErrors=0, the script is stopped.

Example Code

dim name$(210)
dim pid(210)
dim cputime(210)
dim memuse(210)
p = GetProcessList(name$(), pid(), cputime(), memuse(), 1)
write(proc$, str$(p), CRLF)
i = 0
    'The list is written to the file
    write(proc$, name$(i) + "," + str$(pid(i)) + "," + str$(cputime(i)) + "," + str$(memuse(i)), CRLF)
    i = i + 1
until i = p
pause 1
'The list is displayed
shell("notepad " + proc$)