The GetWindowChildrenList
function returns the names and handles of the child windows of the specified parent window.
Used to list the child windows of a parent window.
ret = GetWindowChildrenList(<window_name>, <window_instance>, <tab_handles>, <tab_names>, <tab_instances>)
: string, window name of the parent window from where the child windows are enumerated.<window_instance>
: integer, window instance of the parent window from where the child windows are enumerated.<tab_handles>
: array of integers, returns the handles of the child windows of<window_name>
: array of strings, returns the window names of the child windows of<window_name>
: array of integers, returns the instance numbers of the child windows of<window_name>
Return Value
: integer, number of child windows found.
See Also
'Declare the arrays used by GetWindowChildrenList
Dim handle(20)
Dim name$(20)
Dim instance(20)
StartBrowser("IE", "", 3)
ClickHTMLElement("A[INNERTEXT='Popup window']")
ret = GetWindowChildrenList("IEXPLORE.EXE|#32770|Message from webpage", topinstance(), handle(), name$(), instance())
'Display the number of child windows
msgbox("Number of child windows of Message from web page parent window: " + str$(ret))
'Display the first child window name, its handle, and its instance number
msgbox("Name of the first child window: " + name$(0) + " Handle: " + str$(handle(0)) + " Instance: " + str$(instance(0)))
'Display the second child window name, its handle, and its instance number
msgbox("Name of the second child window: " + name$(1) + " Handle: " + str$(handle(1)) + " Instance: " + str$(instance(1)))
'Display the third child window name, its handle, and its instance number
msgbox("Name of the third child window: " + name$(2) + " Handle: " + str$(handle(2)) + " Instance: " + str$(instance(2)))