GetWindowsList – System Function

GetWindowsList Function


The GetWindowsList function returns the list of parent window names present on the Windows desktop. This function is not available in WinTask Lite.


GetWindowsList(<tab_namewin$>, <tab_instanc>, <tab_handl>, <tab_flag$>)


Ret = GetWindowsList(<tab_namewin$>, <tab_instanc>, <tab_handl>, <tab_flag$>)


  • <tab_namewin$>: alphanumeric array; lists the names of the parent windows present on the desktop. These names use the syntax described in the UseWindow statement.
  • <tab_instanc>: integer array; lists the instance numbers of each parent window present on the desktop.
  • <tab_handl>: integer array; lists the handle of each parent window present on the desktop.
  • <tab_flag$>: alphanumeric array; two characters containing the status of the application or of the window. The first character is 1 if the status is “running”, 0 if not. The second character is 1 if the application is enabled (it can receive actions), 0 if disabled.

Return Value

Ret: integer, return code which gives the number of found windows. If any of the arrays is too small, Ret contains -1, but the arrays will still contain the first n windows found (if #IgnoreErrors=1). If Ret=-1 and #IgnoreErrors=0, the script is stopped.


'Declare the arrays used by GetWindowsList
Dim namewin$(210)
Dim numinst(210)
Dim handlewin(210)
Dim winflag$(210)
proc$ = "namewin.txt"
p = GetWindowsList(namewin$(), numinst(), handlewin(), winflag$())
' Check for errors
If p = -1 Then
    MsgBox("Error: Arrays too small or another error occurred.")
    write(proc$, str$(p), CRLF)
    i = 0
        ' The list is written to the file
        write(proc$, namewin$(i) + "," + str$(numinst(i)) + "," + str$(handlewin(i)) + "," + winflag$(i), CRLF)
        i = i + 1
    until i = p
    pause 1
    ' The list is displayed
    shell("notepad " + proc$)
End If

See Also

See the script example, Close all Internet Explorer windows.