The LockKbd
function locks the keyboard. Even if LockKbd
can be useful for preventing user interference while a script is running, we do not recommend using it. If something goes wrong, the only way to enable the keyboard again will be to power off!
Keystrokes are not transmitted during the execution of scripts. If you want to lock the keyboard and still be able to transmit keystrokes, see the example code below. Special combinations, such as <Ctrl <Alt <Del>>>
or <Ctrl <Esc>>
, are still active. When the last script finishes, the entire keyboard is reactivated.
Example Code
Under Windows 2000/XP/2003, it is possible to call a Windows API function locking the keyboard using the WinTask External statement (not available in WinTask Lite). Below is a sample:
' Launch Notepad
False = 0
True = 1
' Lock keyboard and mouse for 10 seconds
external("user32","BlockInput", True)
pause 5
' The script can still type
UseWindow("NOTEPAD.EXE|Edit|Untitled - Notepad|1",1)
pause 5
' Unlock keyboard and mouse - when the script ends,
' keyboard and mouse are unlocked even if an external call is not done.
external("user32","BlockInput", False)
' Check during 5 secs that you can now use mouse
pause 5