Mid$ – String Management Function**

Mid$ Function


The Mid$ function returns the specified portion of a string.


var$ = Mid$(, , )


<string$>: string from which to extract.

<start>: numeric, position in <string$> from which to extract. The first character position is 1. If <start> is greater than the number of characters in <string$>, var$ is set to an empty string. If <start> is negative, the extraction starts at position 1.

<length>: numeric, number of characters to be extracted. If <length> is negative or 0, var$ is set to an empty string.

Return Value

var$: string, return value containing the substring. If the length of <string$> (including the character starting at <start>) is less than <length>, all the characters from <start> to the end of <string$> are returned in var$.

See Also

Left$, Right$, ExtractBetween$


a$ = Mid$("bcdefg", 2, 2) ' Returns "cd" in a$
a$ = Mid$("bcdefg", 2, 0) ' Returns "" in a$
a$ = Mid$("bcdefg", 0, 2) ' Returns "bc" in a$