SplitIntoArray – String Management Function**

SplitIntoArray Function


The SplitIntoArray function converts the specified string into an array of strings.


SplitIntoArray(, [, ])
val = SplitIntoArray(, [, ])


<string$>: string to be converted into an array.

<array$>: array of strings which will contain the different splitted strings. The array must be declared at the beginning of the script using the Dim function.

<delimiter$>: string. The space character (” “) is the delimiter by default. You can specify another delimiter character using this optional parameter (for example “;”).

Return Value

val: integer, optional return value which gives the number of splitted strings.


If you use successive SplitIntoArray calls using the same array, you need to reinitialize the array to avoid some old values from the previous call if the second call returns less values. For example: array$() = ""


Dim splitstring$(10)
num = SplitIntoArray("Hello WinTask, the powerful automation software", splitstring$())
' Returns in splitstring$(0) "Hello", in splitstring$(1) "WinTask,", in splitstring$(2) "the",
' in splitstring$(3) "powerful", in splitstring$(4) "automation", in splitstring$(5) "software".
' And num contains 6.

Dim data$(10)
a$ = "Hello;WinTask;powerful"
SplitIntoArray(a$, data$(), ";")
' Returns in data$(0) "Hello", in data$(1) "WinTask", in data$(2) "powerful"